Sunday, October 9, 2011


I like this date and's really meaningful date. LOL

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The story

I didn't watch Grey's Anatomy for so long after I came in to MMU and finally today I watched it and it was a musical episode for Callie or Sara Ramirez who had an accident and trying hard to live back in this world. Well, even though I don't like Grey's Anatomy change into a musical show but it is only for 1 episode and surprisingly I like Callie sing. So here's the song that she sing and it was WOW..

btw, IMY boy... T_T

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I am so bored!!!

I don't even know what to do.

Can't drive a car and go out.

Internet slow like a snail.

Friends too busy to find you.

Argh..what can I do at this time of situation.

And I tired of posting emo post..zzzzz

F!! I'm still care!!

It's hard to let go a person that you really comfortable with.

Even though you try to not to care bout the person..but you still care. I am so disappointed with myself that I can't have my own principal and follow it.

Why should I be like this.

Guys will start to care bout you when you stop care bout them. Even though girls is soft-heart but this doesn't mean that guys can take advantage on girls by trying to make the girls waiting and waiting and waiting for stupid thing called love.

Well, this is who I am..I will stop care when the time comes.